Change Management

Change Management Process for Project Tetra

These guidelines assume that you’re familiar with the GitHub workflow.

How to use the kanban board

  1. Assign yourself to a new or existing card or issue in the Project Tetra - kanban board. Consult the GitHub project admin for access, if needed.

  2. Record relevant discussions in the comment section of the GitHub issues.

Creating an issue

If you’ve found a problem in the docs, please create an issue in the Project Tetra docs repo. You can also create an issue about a specific page by clicking the Create documentation issue button in the top right hand corner of the page.

How to make documentation changes

  1. Create a new branch, or checkout an existing branch, in the Project Tetra docs repo. The branch name should be prepended with its associated issue label followed by a /, followed by a dash-separated description of the changes to be made, followed by its associated issue number, e.g., feature/add-tricoder-with-touchscreen-docs-1701. If no such issue exists, create a new issue.

  2. Write or update the appropriate documentation page relevant to the design changes to be made in your working branch. All documentation should be nested under Tutorials, How-To Guides, Explanations, and/or References. (See How to write good documentation)

  3. Commit your changes and create a pull request (PR). Be sure to include a closing keyword followed by the associated issue number in the PR description, e.g., closes #1701. If the pull request closes multiple issues, add a closing keyword for each issue. (See closing issues using keywords.

  4. If you’re not yet ready for a review, mark the PR as Draft to indicate it’s a work in progress. Continue updating your doc and pushing your changes until you’re happy with the content.

  5. When you’re ready for a review, mark the PR as Ready for review.

  6. Once your PR is merged, you may safely delete your branch.

How to make design changes

Design changes include changes to CAD, STL, Drawings, or software.

  1. Update any relevant documentation if the design changes to be made require a change in tutorials, how-to guides, references or explanations. Update documentation before making changes to stay in line with the DDD process. (See How to make documentation changes)

  2. Create a new branch, or checkout an existing branch, in the Project Tetra repo. The branch name should be prepended with its associated issue label followed by a /, followed by a dash-separated description of the changes to be made, followed by its associated issue number, e.g., add-tricoder-with-touchscreen-1031. If no such issue exists, create a new issue in the Project Tetra issues.

    Note: Part number revisions and version releases should accompany a design change where appropriate. (See Version Control)

  3. Commit your changes and create a pull request (PR). Be sure to include a closing keyword followed by the associated issue number in the PR description, e.g., closes #1031. If the pull request closes multiple issues, add a closing keyword for each issue. (See closing issues using keywords.

  4. If you’re not yet ready for a review, mark the PR as Draft to indicate it’s a work in progress. Continue updating your doc and pushing your changes until you’re happy with the content.

  5. When you’re ready for a review, mark the PR as Ready for review.

  6. Once your PR is merged, you may safely delete your branch.

Useful resources