How to configure the PAPRa over-the-shoulder strap setup

How-To guide for configuring the over-the-shoulder straps for the Tetra PAPRa.

Quick Synopsis

The Tetra Powered Air Purified Respirator can be strapped to the body for easy portability. This guide provides one suggested approach.

WARNING: we provide no warranty, implicit or explicit, that this device will work up to an N95 specification, when built outside of a facility rated to do so. The only way to truly test one of these devices using something like a Portacount under controlled conditions.

Parts Required

You should have assembled the Mask, Fan Box, and M12 Controller Box at this point.

Bill of Materials

You will need these components. Prices fluctuate, and so are not included here. Alternative versions can be sourced, and we welcome edits for tested alternatives.

Table 1. Table Bill Of Materials (BOM)
CountDescriptionURLNumber in Package


MTP 1" Seat-belt Black Polyester Webbing Strap



1 Inch Plastic Triglides Slides


Recommeded Tools

These tools are recommended. URLs are for tools purchased and used in the building of the prototypes:

Table 2. Table Tool List

Nail Scissors


Build Steps

Once the PAPRa has been built, it should be worn. This guide provides a simple way to put components together in an over-the-shoulder configuration. The Fan Box has multiple attachment points, so other configurations are possible-- and please let us know if you come up with something you really like!

Get at least two arm lengths of webbing:

DSC09922 L

After cutting the webbing, burning the ends will prevent the webbing from unraveling:

DSC09925 L

Place one triglide in the M12 controller as shown below. This triglide prevents the controller from sliding around on the strap:

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DSC09931 L

Anchor the PAPR on one point near the funnel using triglides:

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Choose another anchor point on the opposite side of the Fan Box:

IMG 5067 L

This configuration will allow the Fan Box to be worn in the small of the back:

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Hold a loop of the webbing out to be cut where you want clips to be attached:

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DSC09950 L

Attach the clips as shown in this photo, with the extra triglide to make sure that the clip position can be adjusted:

IMG 5068 L

And now you have a Tetra PAPRa in an over-the-shoulder configuration that can be worn comfortably for several hours!